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Herhangibir ülkenin yetkililerince ilave istasyonlar ya da işaret fenerleri, şekiller ya da sesli işaretlere ilişik hazırlamış oldukları özel kurallar

  • Uygulanacak kural (kurallar): Rule 1 (Application)
  • Kuralın (kuralların) uygulanması ve yorumlar: In accordance with Rule 1 (c) (Application), nothing in these Rules shall interfere with the operation of any special rules made by the Government of any State with respect to additional station or signal lights, shapes or whistle signals for ships of war and vessels proceeding under convoy, or with respect to additional station or signal lights or shapes for fishing vessels engaged in fishing as a fleet.
    In accordance with Rule 1 (c) (Application), these additional station or signal lights, shapes or whistle signals shall, so far as possible, be such that they cannot be mistaken for any light, shape or signal authorized elsewhere under these Rules.

Advanced COLREGs Course - Visit our advanced course for complex multi-rule and multi-ship scenarios!

Try our new DESSEV web and Google Play app which is able to predict possible diseases(s) a patient on board a ship may have based on given symptoms. The app helps maritime management personnel in the case of epidemic outbreak.

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