A+ A A-

Mr.Lakhvir Singh


Operational Research Officer

Centre for Factories of the Future
6 The Square
Berkeley House
Coventry Warwickshire CV81EB İngiltere

Telefon: +44 (0) 1926 802000


Ek Bilgi

Ek Bilgi:

Alternatively, you can contact directly by email one of the local representative of the COLREGs team:

Faculty of Maritime Studies, University of Rijeka (Croatia)
Dr. Djani Mohovic – dmohovic@pfri.hr

Centre For Factories Of The Future (United Kingdom)
Mr. Lakhvir Singh - lakhvir.singh@c4ff.co.uk

Piri Reis University (TURKEY)
Asst. Prof. Dr. Ergun Demirel - edemirel@pirireis.edu.tr

Nicola Vaptsarov Naval Academy (BULGARIA)
Mr. Nikolai Velikov - velikovn@yahoo.com

Spinaker d.o.o (SLOVENIA)
M.sc. Tomaž Gregorič - tomaz.gregoric@spinaker.si

Sea Teach S.L. (SPAIN)
Mrs. Silja Teege - email@sea-teach.com

Advanced COLREGs Course - Visit our advanced course for complex multi-rule and multi-ship scenarios!

Improve your Maritime English, assess your level of knowledge and obtain a completion certificate
for free!


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