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To ensure that effective research into COLREGs takes places, and that the knowledge and skills gaps are accurately identified, two online surveys has been developed.

The surveys are not a test and all responses are kept anonymous, the purpose of the survey's is merely to gather as much information as possible on all the different interpretations of the COLREGs rules that exist today. Your responses to the surveys will be used to develop a new teaching methodology for COLREGs to make learning and applying COLREGs at sea simpler.

The first survey is for Maritime Professionals (seafarers, maritime lecturers etc.) The second survey is for Non-professionals (Amateurs sailors etc.)

Click here to undertake the questionnaire for Maritime Professionals

Click here to undertake the questionnaire for Non-Professional (Amateur) Sailors

Survey Validation Workshops

Partnership conducted a number of workshops with Maritime Professionals and Non-Professionals to validate the findings of the survey and to gather recommendations about COLREGs teaching methodologies from experts in the Maritime and Teaching fields.

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Advanced COLREGs Course - Visit our advanced course for complex multi-rule and multi-ship scenarios!

Try our new DESSEV web and Google Play app which is able to predict possible diseases(s) a patient on board a ship may have based on given symptoms. The app helps maritime management personnel in the case of epidemic outbreak.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.