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Trafik seperasyon/ayrım düzenine katılım

  • Senaryonun açıklanması/tanıtımı/anlatımı: Vessel A: power-driven vessel
    Vessel B: power-driven vessel
    Area: Traffic separation scheme
    Vessel A is joining a traffic lane at a termination of the lane
    Vessel B is joining a traffic lane from side
  • Uygulanacak kural (kurallar): Rule 10 (Traffic separation scheme)
  • Kuralın (kuralların) uygulanması ve yorumlar: In accordance with Rule 10 (b)(iii) (Traffic separation scheme), a vessel (vessel A) using a traffic separation scheme shall normally join a traffic lane at the termination of the lane.
    In accordance with Rule 10 (b)(iii) (Traffic separation scheme), a vessel (vessel B) using a traffic separation scheme when joining from either side shall do so at as small an angle to the general direction of traffic flow as practicable.
  • ECDIS görünümü:

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